COMPETITIVE EDGEExporting lifesaving biotech to the world

Exporting lifesaving biotech to the world

BUILDING A PREMIUM BRANDDeveloping and implementing a winning strategy

Developing and implementing a winning strategy

BACKING INNOVATIVE EXCELLENCEHelping researchers commercialise their technologies worldwide.

Helping researchers commercialise their technologies worldwide.

TAKING ON THE WORLDGrowing a global healthcare business

Growing a global healthcare business


Some of our other work Includes:


We have worked with AUT Ventures, the commercialisation arm of AUT University, with the protection and commercialisation of a number of technologies to emerge from the University. This work has included preparing and advising on IP assignments, mobile app development agreements, software licences, services agreements, privacy policies and other commercialisation and collaboration agreements.

New Zealand Fruit Tree Company

We work on an ongoing basis with New Zealand Fruit Tree Company, a business that commercialises plant varieties. We continue to provide assistance with the drafting of various plant variety agreements, including licences, collaboration agreements, and grower agreements. 


ON-Brand Partners is a service provider working with companies in New Zealand and around the world to manage and implement culture change. ON-Brand’s business models, processes and methodologies are the key to everything it does. We have worked with ON-Brand for many years to protect these core IP assets. Our work has included:

  • advice on IP ownership and licensing issues and the protection of the company’s IP
  • preparing and negotiating engagement and service agreements with many of the company’s clients and partners
  • assisting with trade mark protection for the company’s brands
  • ongoing commercial and corporate law advice on a range of other matters.



We have worked with Mastaplex, a company that has developed an on-farm bovine mastitis test. Our work has included:

  • advising the company on its initial capital raising, and preparing and reviewing various transaction documents, including a shareholders’ agreement and constitution and an agreement for sale and purchase of IP
  • preparing shareholder and investment documents for the company’s most recent capital raising involving a number of angel and investor groups
  • preparing terms and conditions of supply, website terms and conditions of use and a privacy policy in connection with the supply of the company’s testing products and services
  • assisting the company with advice on various other contractual and IP matters.



We have assisted an Auckland-based software company that provides software and services to customers in relation to proprietary third party software platforms. Our work has included:

  • preparing a template software development agreement
  • preparing documentation for an online store for app purchases, including online terms and conditions and a privacy policy, and agreements with resellers and developers
  • assisting on an ongoing basis with the negotiation of customer contracts.



We have worked with the well-known retailer The Warehouse for several years. Our work has included drafting and reviewing a number of contracts relating to The Warehouse’s IT systems, including software licences, development agreements, support and maintenance agreements, and services agreements.



We have provided assistance for some years to Fisher & Paykel Appliances Limited on a range of IP commercialisation matters, including development agreements, collaboration agreements, licences and supply terms.



    Photonic Innovations is involved in the development and commercialisation of products that detect harmful gases, such as ammonia and methane. Our services have included:

    • assisting the company with a number of successful capital raising rounds, including advising on the structuring of those rounds and FMCA compliance, and preparing the necessary shareholder and investor documentation
    • preparing agency and distribution agreements and product terms and conditions of sale for the company
    • assisting with an agreement to purchase IP and assets from another company.


    TE Connectivity

    We have assisted TE Connectivity (a division of Tyco) and its related companies for a number of years. This has included negotiating deal documentation relating to a $5 million Series C funding round for PowerbyProxi Limited, a world-leading developer of wireless power solutions, where TE Connectivity was the lead investor.



    We have worked closely with the publicly-listed honey company Comvita Limited for a number of years.  Our work has included assisting in the negotiation of a multi-million dollar deal with Derma Sciences, a US company, in relation to Comvita’s Medihoney woundcare and skincare technologies.




    We continue to work closely with one of New Zealand’s leading and most innovative suppliers of disability products. Our work has involved assisting in a major IP asset restructure, preparing and reviewing distribution and licence agreements for markets around the world, and providing advice on consumer and competition law issues in New Zealand and Australia.



    • We assisted a supplier of machinery and equipment for the petroleum industry with various contractual documents relating to an online fuel monitoring subscription service. This included preparing customer subscription terms and conditions and a privacy policy, and various intra-company licensing documents. 
    • We assisted a company involved in the supply of meat alternative products made from plant proteins. Our assistance has included advising on IP issues and the securing of IP ownership, and advice on various contractual matters. We also assisted the company with a major capital raising, including by preparing a subscription and shareholders’ agreement and constitution and other investment documents and assisting in the closing of the round.
    • We assisted a media and marketing company with trade mark protection in New Zealand and Australia for some of its key brands. 
    • We assisted an aviation company with the licensing of an aircraft technology from the New Zealand Defence Force. This included reviewing and amending a licence agreement and providing strategic advice on IP issues. 
    • We advised a supplier of ICT services in the healthcare industry with the drafting and negotiation of a major licence and development agreement with a large New Zealand health organisation. 
    • We provided expert assistance to a patent attorney firm regarding trade mark licensing practice in relation to a litigation matter relating to kitchenware and bathroom products. 
    • We assisted an animal health company with licensing a patented animal health device to an offshore manufacturer, with preparing a licence agreement with an affiliated company, and with advice on IP ownership and corporate structuring. 
    • We prepared a privacy policy and app and website subscription terms and conditions for an after-school and childcare software services provider. 
    • We assisted a company involved in developing mobile apps with securing ownership of the IP in its key technologies, including by preparing IP assignments and service agreements, and with the preparation of a subscription and shareholders’ agreement and other corporate documents between its shareholders. 
    • We assisted a furniture manufacturer with preparing standard terms of supply and terms of trade for its business. We also assisted the company to deal with a copyright infringement claim made against it, and in relation to liability issues arising under another litigation matter. We also assisted the company with trade mark protection for its brand. 
    • We assisted a company involved in the development and design of a new type of light aircraft with a number of matters. We assisted in a number of investment rounds involving international investors, including by preparing shareholder and subscription documentation and related documents, and prepared template contracts and employment agreements for use by the business. We continue to advise the company on day to day corporate and commercial law matters. 
    • We assisted a company selling drink products with advice about securing its IP, and with corporate structuring. This included the preparation of a shareholders’ agreement and related corporate documents, and an intra-company licence agreement. We also advised the company on branding and trade mark matters, and filed trade mark applications for its key brand. 
    • We advised a company involved in providing illustration and artistic services on copyright ownership and IP assignment issues, assisted with the preparation of template engagement and assignment documents for use with its clients, and assisted with trade mark protection for some of the company’s brands. We also provided advice and assistance around the ownership and structuring of the company. 
    • We provided assistance to the purchaser of a roof materials business, in connection with various trade mark and IP issues arising around the world from the transaction. 
    • We assisted a New Zealand dairy company with obtaining trade mark protection for its major brands in various countries around the world. 
    • We assisted with the establishment and setup of a new company data analysis company, including by preparing a shareholders’ agreement and related investment documents between the founders, as well as service and employment agreements for key personnel. We also assisted the company with preparing and negotiating service agreements with various ICT service providers. 
    • Scott Yorke was called as an expert witness on IP licensing matters and royalties in a recent High Court damages hearing relating to a copyright infringement. He gave evidence on licensing practice and royalty calculation methodologies. 
    • We assisted a design agency with the preparation of standard terms of engagement for use with its clients, and advised the agency on how to secure ownership of the IP arising within its business. We also assisted with trade mark protection for the agency’s brand. 
    • We assisted the developer of a new health and wellness mobile app with a number of matters, including content licences, confidentiality agreements, trade mark protection, and a shareholders’ agreement and other investment documents. 
    • We assisted a boat manufacturer with securing trade mark protection for its brands, and dealing with issues raised by a trade mark held by another party. 
    • We assisted a company involved in the manufacture and sale of surfboards with protecting its brand in key international markets, and with various trade mark and branding issues arising in those markets. 
    • We assisted the supplier of online products for use by the veterinary industry with the preparation and review of various subscription terms and conditions for those products, and with advice on privacy and data issues. 
    • We assisted a media company involved in the development of mobile app games with trade mark protection for its key game brand, and with the drafting of various development and services agreements for use with game content providers. 
    • We assisted a number of patent attorneys and IP firms with the preparation of patent and IP assignment templates for those firms to use with their clients.
    • We assisted a company in the solar energy industry with securing trade mark protection for its key brands. 
    • We provided specialist assistance in a litigation matter involving an IP licence relating to adjustable moulds for pre-casting concrete stairs. Our assistance involved giving advice on licensing practice and contractual interpretation. 
    • We provided assisted in a pre-IPO due diligence for an aquaculture company. We advised on trade mark and IP issues.  
    • We assisted a supplier of electronic equipment with its terms and conditions of sale and software licence documentation, and with other contractual documents. We also assisted that company with obtaining trade mark protection for its key brands in various countries around the world. 
    • We advised a major international health and fitness organisation on a number of contractual and licensing matters regarding the development and exploitation of some of its most innovative products and services.
    • We assisted the designer of a storage container product with the commercialisation of its products, including by drafting and negotiating licence and manufacturing agreements with overseas companies.
    • We provided advice on trade mark, IP and ICT matters in a vendor due diligence involving a major catalogue retailer. 
    • We assisted a new professional services firm with protecting its brand, including by undertaking trade mark searches and filing trade mark applications. 
    • We prepared a set of app terms and conditions of use and a privacy policy for the provider of a parking services app for mobile phones. 
    • We assisted a major provider of online services in the real estate industry with the drafting and negotiation of various data agreements and licences with other parties. 
    • We assisted a television production company with obtaining trade mark protection in various countries around the world in relation to a number of its shows. 
    • We provided assistance to the purchaser of a sailmaking business, in connection with various trade mark and IP issues arising around the world from the transaction. 
    • We assisted the owner of a chauffeur services company with the drafting of template contracts for use with its business. 
    • We assisted the designer of a new skateboard product with the settlement of an IP dispute with another person involved in the design, including by preparing a settlement agreement.
    • We assisted a company in the hydraulics industry with securing trade mark protection for its key brands. 
    • We assisted a client with resolving a copyright ownership dispute relating to a website and mobile app. This included advising on copyright ownership issues and preparing the copyright assignment documentation to be signed by the developer.